This project was commissioned via a Power Purchase Agreement by the building’s landlord (TriTex) to reduce carbon emissions, lower energy expenditure and provide a return on their investment. The result of this project is a highly efficient solar PV system which provides a reliable source of clean energy to fuel the food foodservice provider’s day to day operations.

K e y S t a t s
System Size
CO2 saved per year
Annual Output
920,900 kWh
The building’s landlord required a solar PV system to reduce both reliances on the grid and carbon emissions for their tenant, Brakes. As a forward-thinking foodservice provider, this was yet another progression in their commitment to their ongoing goals.
To help them achieve this, our team was referred for the project by Syzygy, the management consultant for the landlord. Our client required that the system be tilted at 10 degrees due south on an east-west-facing roof, which posed a challenge to our design team.
To achieve this, our team sourced a specialist mounting frame and PUC system which was welded to the roof in order to fix the system in place.
Our expert design team took this project from the initial design and development stages through to the installation and thereby the aftercare stage. This utilized the full range of our consultative services such as project desktop analysis, feasibility studies, system commissioning, and many more.
Our team ensured that the installation process went smoothly despite the requirement for the site to remain live during construction. The site’s refrigeration system was able to remain switched on and operations continued with minimal disruption, meaning that the business occurred no loss in downtime from the works that were undertaken.
Now complete, the 997kWp system will annually generate 920,900kWh and save 195,534kg of carbon emissions in the first year. What’s more, the management team can analyse the performance ratio with the weather station installed by our team. As a landlord-invested project, this was essential for monitoring and evidencing system benefits and returns.
Due to the specialist design, the site has built-in extra capacity for additional panels on the roof, battery energy storage systems, or electric vehicle chargers when the need arises.
Following the success of this project, the landlord is expecting to roll out renewable energy systems across multiple sites in the UK. The project provides an example of what can be achieved via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and the mutual benefits it can yield for all parties involved.