Council-owned buildings across Aberdeen will now feature solar panels as part of the countrywide Rent a Roof scheme.

Some 900 solar panels will be added to buildings across the city, to help generate clean and renewable energy.

Public buildings across the city have already had solar panels installed upon roofs, with sheltered housing developments, school, offices and council depots all featuring the solar technology.

Aberdeen City Council is the first local authority that has accessed the scheme, and a number of buildings have had agreements passed for the provision of solar panels.

In a unanimous decision for the Development Management Sub-Committee, six locations have already been agreed. The largest of these projects has been identified as St Machar Academy, a comprehensive school established in 1988, which will receive a total of 484 panels.

Other notable locations include the Fergus House residential car home in Dyce (108panels) and the Bucksburn Swimming pool (128 panels).

Labour councillor Ramsay Milne said that the project was a good example of how the local council is attempting the increase its green credentials, and that he hopes that Aberdeen will prove to be a shining example to a number of other local authorities.

“The installation of these solar panels will not only reduce the environmental impact of the running of these buildings, but it will also reduce the cost of running them,” Cllr Milne said.

He added: “I hope that the approval of these applications, which accord with the city’s planning policies, will encourage applications from other public bodies and companies.”

Additional locations which will have solar panels include Aberdeen Children’s Home in Bucksburn (41 panels), Parkhill Court sheltered housing complex in Dyce (54 panels) and the Ferryhill Community Centre (34 panels).

These buildings will benefit from a monthly reduction in energy bills, as well as potential profits generated through the government’s feed in tariff.