Solar grants are now available for the government’s latest funding scheme for on-site renewable energy projects, The Low Carbon Building Programme (LCBP). Evo Energy’s Carbon Solutions service can help both public sector and private sector applicants identify suitable on-site renewable technologies and apply for LCBP funding.
Funding for schools and public buildings: £17.5M funding for solar photovoltaics on UK public buildings, including schools. The grants are available on a rolling first-come-first-served basis.
Funding for homes and businesses: LCBP funding for all renewables is available in two streams for small and medium/large projects.
Stream 1: For householders and community organisers on a rolling first-come-first-served basis. Levels of grants are staggered depending on technology.
Stream 2: For medium and large on-site renewables energy projects by public. Not for profit and commercial organisations. £5.6m to be allocated over 7 funding rounds. Maximum grants of £100k or 40-50% of total costs (excl VAT). These have quarterly deadlines.
How can I get low cost Solar Grants?
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