According to data released by the Solar Trade Association (STA), in June, solar power was responsible for generating 23.9% of the UK’s total electricity demand; a new record figure and a remarkable achievement for the industry. Despite heavy cuts to the feed-in tariff in January and reduced support from the Government to stimulate further deployment, this contribution highlights the significance that solar can play in tackling the UK’s carbon emissions by reducing our reliance on burning fossil fuels such as coal and gas.
It is estimated that the UK now has around 12 GW of solar PV installed all over the UK including homes, commercial rooftops and ground mount solar farms. Prior to the appointment of Amber Rudd in the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), Minister of State Gregg Barker had a vision of installing 20GW by 2020 which is still a possibility if the Government support the industry for one final push.
Similarly, previously the Government also set a target of renewable energy contributing 15% of the UK’s annual electricity generation by 2020, however, the National Grid have recently confirmed that this goal is unlikely to be hit and will more likely be around 2022 at the earliest.
Nevertheless, last month’s record generation for solar is a positive statistic for both the solar industry and the future of British energy.
UK Solar Power Produces Record Generation in June
Industry News