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Solar Power Purchase Agreement

Lock in affordable renewable energy rates for your business without upfront costs. EvoEnergy offers tailored solutions for UK businesses through our Solar Power Purchase Agreement, allowing you to benefit from clean energy without any initial investment.



W h a t   i s   a   S o l a r   P o w e r   P u r c h a s e   A g r e e m e n t   ( P P A ) ?

Secure cost-effective renewable energy for your business with no upfront expenses.


What is a Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)?

A Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a financial arrangement where a business partners with a solar energy provider to install and manage a solar system on their property.

EvoEnergy offers PPAs that allow UK companies to access renewable energy at a fixed rate over a long-term contract, ensuring stability and significant savings on energy costs without any upfront capital expenditure.

PPAs are ideal for businesses looking to:

  • Reduce energy bills.
  • Lock in predictable energy rates.
  • Achieve sustainability targets.
  • Avoid maintenance and operational concerns.

C l e a n   P o w e r ,   B i g   S a v i n g s

Power Up Your Business with Clean Energy

solar panels for sectors

How Does a Solar Power Purchase Agreement Work?

Our PPA process is simple and hassle-free:

  • Assessment: EvoEnergy conducts an in-depth assessment of your business’s energy needs and site suitability.
  • Design & Installation: We design and install the solar system tailored to your property, ensuring maximum efficiency and output.
  • Fixed Rate Agreement: You agree to purchase the generated energy at a fixed rate, lower than market prices, for a set period.
  • Maintenance & Support: We handle the maintenance, monitoring, and operation of the system, ensuring optimal performance.

With a Solar Power Purchase Agreement from EvoEnergy, you enjoy green energy without the burden of managing the system. 


Benefits of a Solar Power Purchase Agreement

  • Cost Savings: With a PPA, you pay a fixed, lower-than-market rate for the electricity your solar system generates. This results in significant, immediate, and long-term savings for your business, allowing you to allocate capital elsewhere for business growth.
  • No Upfront Costs: EvoEnergy covers the design, installation, and maintenance, so you don’t have to invest capital in the system. This means no financial risk on your part while enjoying the benefits of renewable energy.
  • Sustainability: PPAs allow your business to switch to renewable energy, helping reduce your carbon footprint and align with the UK’s sustainability targets. By going green, you not only save costs but also build a positive brand image as an eco-friendly company.
  • Risk Mitigation: By locking in a fixed energy rate, you shield your business from market fluctuations and rising electricity costs. This price stability offers financial predictability, crucial for long-term planning and budgeting.

No Maintenance Hassle: With EvoEnergy managing the system, you won’t have to worry about operational or maintenance concerns. Our experts monitor the system to ensure it runs at peak performance, maximizing your energy output and savings.

C l e a n   P o w e r ,   B i g   S a v i n g s

Power Up Your Business with Clean Energy

constructing solar panel system

Why Choose EvoEnergy for Your Solar Power Purchase Agreement?

Choosing EvoEnergy means partnering with a leader in renewable energy solutions in the UK. We bring years of experience and a proven track record of successful PPAs with businesses across various industries.

Benefits of Working with EvoEnergy:

  • Expertise: Decades of experience in designing, installing, and managing commercial solar projects.
  • Tailored Solutions: We customize each PPA based on your energy usage and site specifics.
  • Reliability: Comprehensive support, monitoring, and maintenance to ensure your system performs at its best.
  • Proven Results: Successful partnerships with UK businesses, helping them achieve energy independence and financial savings.

Success Stories & Case Studies

EvoEnergy has helped numerous UK businesses benefit from Solar Power Purchase Agreements. Each success story demonstrates our commitment to delivering tailored, efficient solutions that provide tangible savings and environmental benefits.


Solar Power Purchase Agreement Considerations

Before opting for a Solar Power Purchase Agreement, there are a few important aspects to consider:

  • Contract Length: PPAs typically range from 15 to 25 years. It’s important to choose a term that aligns with your business’s financial and operational plans.
  • Ownership: In a PPA, EvoEnergy retains ownership of the solar system, and your business pays for the energy produced. This setup means that while you benefit from reduced energy costs, EvoEnergy is responsible for the maintenance and performance of the system.
  • Site Suitability: The effectiveness of a PPA depends on the suitability of your site for solar energy generation. EvoEnergy conducts a thorough site analysis to ensure your location has the right conditions, including adequate roof space, sun exposure, and structural integrity.
  • End-of-Term Options: At the end of the PPA, businesses typically have several options: extending the agreement, purchasing the system at a reduced cost, or having the system removed. It’s essential to understand and plan for these options before signing the agreement.
  • Energy Consumption Levels: PPAs are most beneficial for businesses with significant and consistent energy usage, as they maximize the financial benefits of solar generation. EvoEnergy helps assess your energy consumption patterns to determine the most efficient solution for your needs.

By understanding these considerations, you can make an informed decision that maximizes the financial and environmental benefits of a Solar Power Purchase Agreement.

Get Started Today with EvoEnergy’s Solar Power Purchase Agreement

Ready to start saving on your energy bills? EvoEnergy makes it easy to transition to solar energy through our Solar Power Purchase Agreement. Our expert team will guide you through every step, from initial assessment to long-term support, ensuring your business benefits from clean, affordable energy.

How does a Solar PPA benefit my business financially?

With a Solar PPA, your business can enjoy immediate savings on electricity bills by purchasing solar power at a reduced rate. This setup also eliminates the need for a large upfront capital investment, reducing financial risk.

Are there any maintenance or operational costs associated with a Solar PPA?

No, the solar energy provider typically handles all maintenance, monitoring, and operational costs associated with the solar panels. This ensures that your business benefits from solar power without the hassle of system upkeep.

How long do Solar PPAs usually last in the UK?

Solar PPAs in the UK typically range from 10 to 25 years. The duration depends on the agreement made with the provider, and businesses can choose a term that suits their energy needs and financial strategy.

What happens at the end of a Solar PPA contract?

At the end of the contract term, businesses usually have options such as extending the agreement, purchasing the solar system at a reduced rate, or having the system removed by the provider at no additional cost.

Is my business eligible for a Solar PPA in the UK?

Most commercial and industrial properties with sufficient roof space or land for a solar installation are eligible. The provider will conduct a site assessment to determine if your business is a suitable candidate based on factors like roof orientation, shading, and structural integrity.

Can a Solar PPA help my business meet sustainability goals?

Yes, adopting a Solar PPA allows your business to generate renewable energy on-site, significantly reducing your carbon footprint and supporting corporate sustainability initiatives without upfront costs.

C o n t a c t   u s

Get in touch

Are you interested in finding out more about renewable energy technology could do for your business? Contact us today to talk to an expert.