Homes installing solar thermal systems could get £300 towards the cost with the government’s latest incentive.
Solar thermal – using the sun’s warmth to produce hot water – is a very different technology to solar photovoltaics, and in recent years it’s been the less financially viable of the two. But that could change as the government rolls out its Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) to domestic properties.
The RHI scheme was announced in March 2011 and will offer quarterly payments to those with renewable heat installations, including solar thermal. At the moment only commercial installations can benefit, but the scheme will open up to households in October.
Until then there’s a grant for eligible homes installing systems between August 2011 and March 2012 – a one-off payment of £300, known as the Renewable Heat Premium Payment (RHPP).
And that’s not the only benefit to solar thermal. A system that’s sized correctly for your property can help you make some substantial savings on your bills, providing up to 90% of your hot water in the summer, 50% in the spring and autumn and 15% in the winter. The panels only need a roof area of around 4m2 and the installation cost is likely to be around £5,000.
As energy bills continue to rise, it’s good to know you have options, and that the government is continuing to offer financial support to those investing in renewable technologies. To find out whether your home’s suitable for solar thermal and how much you could save, contact us today.
Government support for solar thermal
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